Kinross Show 2024 Results

OVERALL CHAMPION (The Sycamore Salver)
1st. CHAMPION (A & S Lawrie)
2nd. RESERVE (Wilson A Peters)

Judges: Alan Lambie, Katie Davidson, Anke Sieker, Kendall Young, Virginia
Osborne – Antolvi and Jimmy Taylor

INTERBREED BEEF (The Chapman Frearson Trophy)

1st. CHAMPION Wilson Peters (CC Cindy)
2nd RESERVE Beth Thomson (Beath Tianna)

Judge: Alan Lambie

INTERBREED SHEEP (The MacDonald Trophy)

1st. CHAMPION Kim Stretch (Texel)
2nd. RESERVE George Whyte (Cross Lambs)
3rd. Alexander Crombie (Blue Texel)

Judge: Jimmy Taylor

HEAVY HORSE CHAMPION (The Archie Renton Quaich)

1st. CHAMPION Clydesdale (Robert Sibbald – Shielhill Platinum Queen)
2nd. RESERVE Highland Pony (J Alan Baird – Yvetta of Whitefield)

Judge: Virginia Osborne – Antolvi

LIGHT HORSE CHAMPION (The Archie Renton Quaich)

1st. CHAMPION Marjory Grant – Holmedown Georgia

Judge: Kendall Young


1st. CHAMPION A & S Lawrie (Group of Three Ayrshires)

Judge: Brian Wills

Full results downloadable here.
